A Dreamer's Travel Journal

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A Dreamer's Travel Journal is one woman's story of battling through physical and mental health issues to fulfill her dream to drive across the country. During the 5 1/2 week, 21 state journey, she experiences a life-changing event that would cause her to re-examine who she is and what her life looks like going forward.

Her story has been called "the menopause version" of Cheryl Strayed's book "Wild". Part travel guidebook, part personal diary, a lot of laughs and a few tears...well, a lot of tears. The author shows that it is never too late to find and live your dreams, no matter what stands in your way.

A Dreamer's Travel Journal

A Dreamer's Travel Journal is one woman's story of battling through physical and mental health issues to fulfill her dream to drive across the country. During the 5 1/2 week, 21 state journey, she experiences a life-changing event that would cause her to re-examine who she is and what her life looks like going forward.

Her story has been called "the menopause version" of Cheryl Strayed's book "Wild". Part travel guidebook, part personal diary, a lot of laughs and a few tears...well, a lot of tears. The author shows that it is never too late to find and live your dreams, no matter what stands in your way.

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Michele Marquis-

I have to be honest. I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew it would included a dream, a road trip, an incredibly emotional event, a spiritual awakening. I was so moved by the way you told the story. It just kept getting better.

It is filled with times that evoke so many emotions. You are a gifted writer and storyteller-such a blessing.

I love the way the book flows. It made me want more and more. The songs you assigned each chapter just add another dimension to the experience.

I will be reading it again. I want everyone to read it. It is so powerful-you captured some of the deepest parts of our human experience.

And I will be finding a Pat Green concert to go to.

A Dreamer's Travel Journal

Jean Tillery | © 2024